One of our custumers wants not only the data value in the mouse over label but als the X and Y axis value.
You can achieve this by editing the ".PCXML" for the graph type.
%_BUBBLE_VALUE=> The value for the bubble item. [bubble]
%_CATEGORY_NAME => The name of the category that the data item belongs to. [All, except, X-Y and Time Plot]
%_CATEGORY_TOTAL => The sum of all data values in the category to which the data item belongs. [Area, Bar, Line, Pareto, Pie, Radar]
%_CLOSE_VALUE => The close value for a high-low data item. [Stock]
%_GRAPH_TOTAL => The sum of all data values in a bar, line, pie, or radar graph. [Area, Bar, Line, Pareto, Pie, Radar]
%_HIGH_VALUE => The high value for a high-low data item. [Stock]
%_LOW_VALUE => The low value for a high-low data item. [Stock]
%_OPEN_VALUE => The open value for a high-low data item. [Stock]
%_PERCENT_OF_CATEGORY => The data value represented as a percentage of the sum of all data values in its category. [Area, Bar, Line, Pareto, Pie, Radar]
%_PERCENT_OF_TOTAL => The data value represented as a percentage of the
sum of all data values in the graph. [Area, Bar, Line, Pareto, Pie, Radar]
%_SERIES_NAME => The name of the data series that the data item belongs to. [All]
%_TIME_VALUE => The time value for a Time Plot data item. [Time Plot]
%_VALUE => The value of the data item. [Area, Bar, Line, Pareto, Pie, Radar]
%_XVALUE => The x value for an X-Y data item. [X-Y]
%_YVALUE => The y value for an X-Y or Time Plot data item. [X-Y, Time Plot]
You can find the ".PCXML" files here: {OracleBI}\web\app\res\s_oracle10\popbin or {OracleBI}\web\app\res\s_Siebel77\popbin
look for
<- DataLabels Font='Size:9;Style:Bold;' TransparentBackground='False' BGColor='#FFFFFFcd' BorderColor='#EEEEEE'
After editing you have to restart the java host and the presentation service.
Till Next Time