Thursday, March 11, 2010

OBIEE Report XML Structure Part 3

In part 2 I showed you the Columns structure, in this article I want to show you the filter structure

The {saw:filter} structure


To create filters OBIEE uses sawx epression engine. First it define the type:


Then the right side:


and left side:


For filters based on an other report it pretty much works the same:


Till Next Time

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We've been struggling with a method to use the DataLabels position attribute in the Advanced Tab XML to re-position data labels in a stacked bar. However, nothing seems to work.

This is a snippet of a comment you left on the topic in OTN forums...
<DataLabels Visible='True' Font='Name:Helvetica; Size:14; Style:Bold; Color:Black;' Position='OutsideTop' ...

But nothing we put for the Position value changes the placement. And this isn't in the Saw format which might be the issue. Can you provide an example of the exact statement we'd use in the Advanced Tab XML to center the data labels in a stacked bar chart?

Any help would be much appreciated. Your blog solved our opaque label issues on the same chart.