Thursday, April 7, 2011

OBIEE11g Setting Multi User Development Options

When you are working on a MUD or Multi User Development RPD you can set some extra options.

In the MUD directory create a new option file for each master repository. It’s a TXT file called [RPD_NAME].opt fi: paint.opt. (be aware CaseSensitive!)

Set the properties of the file to hidden:


open the file in a text editor:

Add the following (INI style):


BuildNumber = Yes

Admin = admin1;admin2

Mandatory Consistency Check = Yes

Equalize During Merge = Yes





When set to Yes, the build version of the Administration Tool is displayed in the MUD history.


Lists multiuser development administrators. Administrators must be defined in the option file before they can delete MUD history.

Administrators are defined by their computer/network login names. When multiple administrators exist, administrator names are separated by semicolons. For example:


Mandatory Consistency Check

When set to Yes, the publish step performs a consistency check. Publishing cannot proceed unless there are no errors in the given repository.

Equalize During Merge

When set to Yes, the multiuser development merge process performs mandatory equalization during MUD merges.

Note that setting this option to Yes affects the performance of the merge process.

Mandatory Consistency Check &  Equalize During Merge can be experienced as a real pain in b*&t for developers because it forces them that everything is ok when checking in. I advise it only projects which are close to deployment for production to ensure some basic error checking.

Till Next Time

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