Tuesday, September 9, 2008

OBIEE setting the bottomscale in a DTA Graph

1 Problem Description

1.1 General

With the introduction of OBIEE the DTA (Date Time Aware) graph became available. In there haste to release this version Oracle has omitted a usable properties editor. All properties have to be set manually.

2 Properties of the DTA graph

2.1 Preface

All manual setting are done in the “timeline.pcxml” file. This file can be found in the s_{StyleName}\popbin directory. Make sure to synchronize this file with the one found in the OC4J_BI s_{StyleName}\popbin directory. After editing you have to restart the presentation server, the javahost and the webserver.

2.2 Month Names


By default the month names are presented in English. If you want for instance Dutch presentation put the following between the <Graph> tags:


2.3 DayNames


By default the day names are presented in English. If you want for instance Dutch presentation put the following between the <Graph> tags:


2.4 First Day Of Week


By default the first day of the week is Sunday. If you want the week to start Monday put the following between the <Graph> tags:


2.5 Date Major Ticks

<DateMajorTicks Year=“%Y” Quarter=“Q%Q %y” Month=“%b-%y” Day=“%a” Hour=“%I%p” Minute=“%I:%M%p” />

There are 6 major ticks: Year, Quarter, Month, Day, Hour and Minute

2.6 Date Minor Ticks

<DateMinorTicks Quarter=“Q%Q” Month=“%b” Day=“%d” Hour=“%I%p” Minute=“%M” />

There are 5 minor ticks Quarter, Month, Day, Hour and Minute.

2.6.1 Cheat sheet

4 digit year;%Y
2 digit year;%y
Quarter number;%Q
Month Name;%b
Month Number;%m
Month Name except replace January with 4 digit year;%F
Month Name except replace January with 2 digit year;%f
Date (1-31);%d
Day Name;%a

2.7 Manual Ticks Major and Manual Ticks Minor

To tell which TickMarker should be used add to the <ValueScale Position=”Bottom” tag: ManualTicksMajor=“Month” ManualTicksMinor=“Week” (!No ; between ManualTicksMajor and ManualTicksMinor!)

If you don’t want a Minor Tag make them both the same: ManualTicksMajor=“Month” ManualTicksMinor=“Month”.

2.8 Rotate labels

To rotate the labels add to the <ValueScale Position=”Bottom” tag:

RotateLabels=”30” where 30 is the angle in degrees.

Till Next Time

This article was original written for the Ciber Knowledge Blog: http://knowledge.ciber.nl/weblog/?p=130

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